Before I share the recipe and Ingredients of my homemade kadha, let me share with you what is kadha? If you have never heard about it before, kadha is a traditional Indian drink that is effective to boost immunity, increases metabolism and even fights stress.
- Most of kadha recipes are based on the Ayurvedic principle of building body’s defence by improving immunity.
- Some people call it kadha and some herbal tea.
- These homemade Kadha recipes are easy to make at home.
- You can make them with common herbs and spices. You do not require special hard to get ingredients.
- The ingredients for kadha are easily available in Indian kitchen

kadha is a traditional Indian drink that is effective to boost immunity, increases metabolism and even fights stress.
- 2 pints fresh milk
- 2 large tins evaporated milk
- 1/2 large tin sweetened milk
- 1 pint water
- 1,1/2 teaspoon(tsp) ground cardamom
- 3/4 teaspoon(tsp) nutmeg
- 1/4 teaspoon(tsp) saffron
- 6 tablespoons(tbsp) coarsely ground almonds and pistachios
- Heat the fresh milk with the saffron and spices until it begins to boil
- Reduce heat and simmer for 10-15 minutes, stirring occasionally
- Add the remaining ingredients reserving some almonds and pistachios for decorating and mix thoroughly over low heat
- Sprinkle the remaining almonds and pistachios and serve