Zanzibar Mix Rojo/Chana Raswala

  • on January 17, 2017

What is zanzibar mix rojo, its like raswala bhhel, there is a gravy of chana and aalu that is served with daal bhajia, bateta vadas, cassava crisps, coconut and hot chutneys. Its very common in east african countries, even local swahilis make and sell on streets.

‘Zanzibar Mix’ is one of the most famous street-foods of Tanzania, especially in Zanzibar and Dar es Salaam.

Anyone who’s been to Tanzania probably knows and has had this delicious dish as it is sold on almost all the street corners! The ‘Mix’ is a bowl of smooth and tangy flour-based sauce cooked with lemon and mango, with tiny cubes of potatoes in it, followed by crispy bhajias and fried mashed potatoes, a spoon of coconut chutney, a dash of red-hot chutney and a scoop of deep fried cassava or potato shavings sprinkled on top.

Every warm spoonful of this delectable dish is filled with flavour and spice and you are guaranteed to slurp down the bowl in record time!

Zanzibar Mix Rojo/Chana Raswala

Sukaina Nasseer Mamado
What is zanzibar mix rojo, its like raswala bhhel, there is a gravy of chana and aalu that is served with daal bhajia, bateta vadas, cassava crisps, coconut and hot chutneys.Its very common in east african countries, even local swahilis make and sell on streets.
Prep Time 30 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes
Total Time 1 hour
Course Main Course
Cuisine Indian, Tanzania, United Kingdom, Zanzibar
Servings 1


  • 1 Cup Black Chana (boiled in salt)
  • 4 Potatoes (boiled remuv skin n cubed)
  • 2 TableSpoons(tbsp) Maida
  • 2 Green chillies
  • 1/2 Teaspoons Turmeric powder
  • 1/2 Lemon juice
  • Salt (as required)
  • 3,4 Litres Water
  • Cassava crisps: 1 big Cassava (Tapioca/ Mhogo)


  • 1) Soak chana overnight then boil next morning in salt and water, keep aside
  • 2) Boil potatoes with skin then remove skin and cut in cubes
  • 3) In blender put flour, one boiled potato, green chillies, turmeric, salt, lemon juice and water
  • 4) Pour in a pot and keep on boil stirring now and then, (not to let lumps form)
  • 5) As it boils add chana with its water and potatoes cook for another ten minutes and remove from flame
    Note : For daalbhajia recipe refer to its recipe along with bateta vadas, coconut chutneys .

Cassava crisps:

  • 1) Peel cassava wash and dry with kitchen towel
  • 2) Grate on towel so all water is absorbed
  • 3) Deep fry in batches till crisped up
  • 4) When all done sprinkle salt and chilli powder
Keyword mix chana, mix rajma, rajma
Article Categories:
Main Course

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